Find Forestry expertise in Australia

Agriculture, forestry and fishing make up 3% of Australia’s GDP (2008). Just over 20% of the land in the latest year on record 2005 is forested and forests have declined at a rate of 0.2% per annum since 1990. The industry directly employees more than 76,000 people, and generates nearly AUS$2.5 billion of exports each year (2009). Hardwood and softwood production form roughly a 50:50 split in terms of annual timber production. The country however continues to import more than it exports with net imports standing at about AUS$2 billion. Forestry is maintained by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF). Some goals of DAFF are to assist the forestry industry to grow, improve and capitalize on new opportunities while protecting the environment and contributing to the prosperity and quality of life in rural and regional Australia.

Forestry organisations in Australia
Australian Forest Contractors Association
Australian Forestry Standard Ltd
Australian Solar Timbers
Boral Timber
CO2 Australia Ltd
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
Elders Forestry
Forest Industries Association of Tasmania
Forest Industries Federation of Western Australia
Forestry SA
Forestry Tasmania
Gunns Ltd
Victorian Association of Forest Industries, The