Research and Consultancy in Australia

There are many consulting firms in Australia; they are generally divided into four types of firms: strategic, human resources, IT and sustainability. All of the ‘Big Four’ professional services firms operate extensively in the market. There are numerous representative associations for consultants of most fields, which are all good starting points for anyone looking for a consultant in Australia, including Consult Australia, Mineral Industry Consultants Association, Investment Management Consultants Association and the Institute of Management Consultants.

The type of organizations providing business research and general research services on contract is broad including market research, pharmaceutical and biotechnology research, geological and mining research and environmental research. Market research companies enjoy the most prominent collective representation through the Australian Market and Social Research Society and the Australian Association of Market Research Organizations.

Research and Consultancy organisations in Australia
Australian Market and Social Research Society
Consult Australia
Institute of Management Consultants
Investment Management Consultants Association
Miles Morgan Australia
Mineral Industry Consultants Association