Find Human Resources expertise in Belize

Belize has a literacy rate of 75.1% (2006). English is the official language of Belize, but Spanish is spoken by more than half of the population, and English-based creole is widely understood. Other, more peripheral, languages include Maya, Garifuna and Ketchi. Many Belizeans speak a variety of languages. According to the ILO Labour Survey of 2005, 24% of the population work in the “elementary occupations”, 17% are service/shop workers, 14% are craft workers, 11% agricultural workers, 9% legislators, senior officials and managers, 7% technicians and 4% professionals. The human resources industry is very much in its infancy, though companies are starting to realise its widespread importance as seen through the increasing use of in-house HR departments.

Human Resources organisations in Belize
Human Resource Department