National Agencies

There is a broad establishment of public agencies assisting the functions of ministries working throughout many sectors including education, energy, health, economic development and many forms of private industry. Many of these organisations are working for the promotion and the regulation of their respective sectors. They include Agence de Régulation des Télécommunications du Cameroun (ART) the telecom regulator and the National Forestry Development Agency, which supports the development of the country’s forestry industries.

National Agencies organisations in Cameroon
Assemblee Nationale
Association de Producteurs pour le Development
Cameroon Development Corporation
Centre d'Appui et d'Auto-Promotion des Initiatives Locales de Development
Centre International de Development et de Recherche
Centre National du Commerce Exterieur
Chambre de commerce, d'industrie et des mines
Douala Stock Exchange
National Forestry Development Agency
National Office for Industrial Free Zones
Societe de Promotion et de Participation pour la Cooperation Economique