Education Suppliers in Canada

Textbooks are written and published based on the curricula set by provincial governments, a reflection of the country’s decentralised education system. Canadian arms of multinational publishing houses, such as Pearson (UK), McGraw-Hill (US) Canada, John Wiley (US) and Oxford University Press (UK), publish most of the textbooks. The Canadian Publishers’ Council, the Association of Canadian Publishers, L’Association Nationale des Editeurs de Livres (The National Association of Book Publishers) and Canadian Booksellers Association are some of the leading trade associations in the industry. There are numerous companies focused on technological innovation in the education sector, notably Smart Technologies – a company which originates from Canada and is a world-leading provider of interactive whiteboards.

Education Suppliers organisations in Canada
Academic Distribution Services
Association of Canadian Publishers
Canadian Booksellers Association
Canadian Publishers’ Council
EfstonScience Ltd
John Wiley
McGraw-Hill Ryerson
Oxford University Press Canada
Oxford University Press Canada
Pearson Canada