Find Advertising, Marketing and PR expertise in Cyprus

Numerous advertising firms can be found throughout urban centres in Cyprus. A number of large international firms have a presence, including Pandora Ogilvie, the locally based branch of Ogilvy & Mather. The Cyprus Advertising and Communication Agencies Association is a professional body representing the interests of the sector.

Marketing and PR are primarily in-house operations for most companies in Cyprus. However, some firms specialise in these sectors, especially marketing, offer various services to Cypriot businesses and individuals.

The World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report (2012-13) Cyprus ranked 71st out of 144 countries in terms of the extent of marketing. It scored 4.1 out of 7, equivalent to the world mean, with 7 indicating a country in which companies extensively utilise sophisticated marketing tools and techniques. The country places higher in relation to buyer sophistication, coming in 42nd with a score of 3.8 out of 7, above the mean of 3.5. This indicates that compared to the average buyers in the country are slightly more likely to make purchasing decision based on sophisticated analysis of performance attributes rather than based solely on price.
