Government Ministries

Grenada has a parliamentary system based on the model in Britain. They have a governor-general; a prime minister and Cabinet, and an elected House of Representatives and appointed Senate. Grenada’s Cabinet is made up of around 15 ministries, which are overseen by a minister. It is the responsibility of the prime minister to appoint the Cabinet. Grenada’s ministries include the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of Education and Human Resources; Ministry of Finance; and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The House of Assembly consists of 21 members; there are 15 elected representatives, one for each of the island’s constituencies. The 15 members are elected by a simple plurality ballot system, and the remaining six are appointed by the governor-general on the advice of the prime minister and two on the advice of the leader of the opposition. Parliament continues for five years from the date of the first sitting of the House after dissolution. However the governor-general may refuse to dissolve Parliament. The House of Representatives has about 15 members elected by universal suffrage for a five-year term and the Senate 13 members appointed for five years by the governor-general in consultation with the prime minister and leader of the opposition.

Government Ministries organisations in Grenada
House Of Representatives
Ministry of Carriacou and Petit Martinique Affairs
Ministry of Environment, Foreign Trade and Export Development
Ministry of Information
Ministry of Legal Affairs
Ministry of National Security
Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation