Bilateral and Multilateral Co-operation

Pakistan has prominent bilateral relationships with the UK, India, United States and Germany. To date, Germany has contributed 2.3 billion euros of development aid and has been an aid partner of Pakistan’s since 1961. Similarly, the UK contributed over £140 million from 2009-10 on a range of projects from direct humanitarian assistance to health and education development. Whilst aid from the United States has fluctuated over the years, USAID has contributed almost $50 billion since 1948.

Aside from the Commonwealth, Pakistan is also a member of many intergovernmental groups: the United Nations (UN), Asian Development Bank and South Asian Association for Regional Development (SAARC) are prominent examples of these.

Bilateral and Multilateral Co-operation organisations in Pakistan
Delegation of the European Commission
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme, NRSP - National Rural Support Programme
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme, RSPN - Rural Support Programme Network
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme, SAPAP - South Asia Poverty Alleviation Programme
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme, SASMoN - South Asia Social Mobilization Network
United Nations
WFP - World Food Programme