Education NGOs and CSOs in Rwanda

There are several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society organisations (CSOs) working in the Rwandan education sector. Equipes Enseignantes du Rwanda (EER) and (SNEP) are the two teachers’ unions. Some of the notable NGOs include: The Wellspring Foundation for Education, which works in Rwanda to empower a new generation of leaders through education; Camara Rwanda Limited, which supports the education sector by selling refurbished computers and software at a nominal fee and also provides training to teachers in the partner schools; The National Protestant Education Bureau (BNEP), which assists with the training of the teaching and school administration personnel in Protestant schools; and The Human Network Help Rwanda (HNHR), a local NGO that assists orphans facing shortages with school materials.

Education NGOs and CSOs organisations in Rwanda
Association es Parents Handicapes pour l'Education de leurs Enfants
Camara Rwanda Limited
Equipes Enseignantes du Rwanda (EER)
Human Network Help Rwanda (HNHR)
National Protestant Education Bureau
Wellspring Foundation for Education