National Agencies

The Rwandan Government provides service delivery through agencies, authorities, commissions and councils. Agencies that provide similar or related services are merged into boards in order to reduce bureaucratic duplication and ensure effective service delivery. The Rwanda Development Board (RDB) is tasked with ensuring effective development initiatives by both the government and the private sector. RDB was created by merging eight government development agencies into one and now reports directly to the president’s office. Other key agencies include the Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB), the Rwanda Agricultural Board, the Transport Development Board (TDB) and the Rwanda Education Board (REB), to name but a few that aim to improve economic and socio-political conditions by contributing to capacity-building, financial growth, education and sustainable development.

National Agencies organisations in Rwanda
National Electoral Commission
Office of the Auditor General of State Finances
Rwanda Agricultural Development Authority (RADA)
Rwanda Development Board (RDB)
Rwanda Education Board
Rwanda Investment Group
Rwanda Revenue Authority
Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency (RURA)
Transport Development Board