Travel in Samoa

Time:Local time is GMT +13.
Electricity:Electrical current is 240 volts AC, 50Hz (110 volts AC in some hotels).
Language:Samoan is the national language while English is customary for business usage.
Health:Vaccinations against tuberculosis and hepatitis B are recommended. A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from travellers over one year of age arriving from infected areas. Health insurance, while recommended, is not mandatory. All health services available to locals are accessible to foreigners usually at minimal cost to the traveller.
Tipping:Tipping is not a common practice.
Business:Business hours are 8am to 12pm and 1pm to 4:30 pm on all weekdays.
Communications:The international access code is 685 and there are no area codes. Outgoing international calls must be made through the operator. Visitors with analogue phones can be assigned a new number for the duration of their stay with calls being charged to their credit card. Internet services are available.
Duty Free:Customs duty is not payable on 200 cigarettes or 250 grams of cigars or tobacco; 1 litre of spirits and goods for personal use up to Tala 250. Firearms, ammunition, explosives, non-prescribed drugs and indecent publications are prohibited.