Find Tourism and Travel partners in Sierra Leone


The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) estimate that in 2011 travel and tourism made a total contribution of 7.3% of Sierra Leone’s GDP. Consequently the WTTC ranked the country 114th out of 181 nations worldwide in terms of relative contribution of tourism to the economy, 6.7% below the world average. Tourism’s contribution to GDP was set to rise by 5.5% pa over the coming decade (2011). The industry supports 6.3% of total employment, which is set to rise in line with growth in the sector meaning that by 2022 it is estimated that the sector will directly and indirectly employ 100,000 people. Visitor exports generated 10.3% of total exports in 2011 which is also forecast to increase. In 2010 Sierra Leone received 39,000 visitors.

Tourism and Travel organisations in Sierra Leone
A. Yazbeck & Sons Travel Agency
ACE Travel & Tourism Agency
Afro International Ltd
Aureol Travel Agency
CAS Travel Agency
Freetown Travel Agency
Global Travel Agency
Karl Travel Agency
Karou Voyage
Lamar Travel Agency
Lemus Tours
Lion Travel Agency
MAGS Travel Agency
Ministry of Tourism and Culture, The
National Tourist Board of Sierra Leone
Paramount Air Travel Agency

