Find Human Resources expertise in Singapore

Singapore has a 95.9% adult literacy rate (2010). 35.6% of the population speak Mandarin regularly, 32.2% speak English, 14.3% speak other Chinese dialects, 12.2% speak Malay, and 3.3% speak Tamil (2010). A 2007 labour force survey classified 19% of the labour force as technicians and associate professionals, 15% were senior officials and managers, 15% were other professionals, with the remainder being clerks or service workers. According to the World Economic Forum, Singapore is the most able country in the Commonwealth in retaining and attracting talented people. Foreigners wanting to work in Singapore must hold a valid work pass before they can work in Singapore – this also depends on earnings. All visas and work passes are distributed by the Ministry of Manpower (MoM).

Human Resources organisations in Singapore
Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI)