Find National NGO expertise in Swaziland

NGO activities are coordinated through the Ministry of Home Affairs. NGOs work primarily in the health, education, environmental and social services sectors. NGOs can become members of the umbrella organisation for NGOs in Swaziland, a quango, the Coordinating Assembly for NGOs (CANGO). The National Emergency Response Council on HIV/AIDS (NERCHA) is a statutory council, mandated by the Swaziland Government to co-ordinate the national multi-sectoral response to HIV/AIDS. The National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) is a coalition body of civil society organisations, including the Catholic Church coalition group, the Community for Justice and Peace; the Swaziland Federation of Trade Unions (SFTU); the Swaziland Federation of Labour (SFL); the Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT); Ngwane National Liberatory Congress (NNLC); the People’s United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO); and a variety of NGOs and small groups and associations.

National NGOs & Civil Society organisations in Swaziland
African Co-operative Action Trust Lilima-Swaziland (ACAT)
Cheshire Homes of Swaziland
Civic Association of Swaziland for Peace and Security
Consumer's Association
Family Life Association of Swaziland (FLAS)
Federation of Swaziland Employers
Federation of the Disabled in Swaziland (FODSWA)
Gone Rural
Green Cross Swaziland
Human Rights Association of Swaziland (HUMARAS)
Imbita Swaziland Women's Finance Trust (ISWFT)
Inhlanyelo Fund (IF)
Luhlelo Lolunotsisa Temabhizinsi (LULOTE)
Moya Community Healing Centre (MCHC)
National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'i of Swaziland
Nhlangano AIDS Training, Information and Counselling Centre
Population Services International
Rehabilitation of Socially Rejected People (REMAR)
Schools HIV/AIDS Population Education
Swaziland Network of AIDS Service Organisations
Swaziland AIDS Support Organisation (SASO)
Swaziland Animal Welfare Society (SAWS)
Swaziland Boys Scouts Association
Swaziland Farmers' Development Foundation
Swaziland Hospice AT Home (SHAH)
Swaziland National AIDS Programme (SNAP)
Swaziland National Society for the Handicapped
Swaziland Network of AIDS Service Organisations
Swaziland Positive Living for Life (SWAPOL)
Swaziland Workcamps Association (SWCA)
Traditional Healers Organisation (THO)
Yonge Nawe Environmental Action Group (YNEAG)
Young Heroes