National Agencies

In addition to the ministries, there are numerous national agencies or authorities in Swaziland that are publicly funded and created by an Act of Parliament, the most notable being the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Environment Authority, the Swaziland Investment Promotion Authority, the Swaziland National Association of Local Authorities and Swaziland Tourism Authority. Public enterprises that are wholly or substantially owned by the government supply much of the national infrastructure: urban water supplies, electricity, telecommunications, rail and air transport, institutes for tertiary education, and hospitality industries. 

National Agencies organisations in Swaziland
Anti-Corruption Commission
Central Bank of Swaziland
Emlalatini Development Centre
Komati Basin Water Authority
Local Authorities Management Association of Swaziland
National Assembly Swaziland
Royal Swaziland Police Service, The
Swaziland Auditor Office
Swaziland Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Swaziland Environment Authority
Swaziland Industrial Development Company Ltd
Swaziland Investment Promotion Authority
Swaziland National Association of Local Authorities
Swaziland National Meteorological Service
Swaziland National Trust Commission
Swaziland Stock Exchange
Swaziland Tourism Authority
Tibito Taka Ngwane