Time: | Local time is GMT -5. |
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Electricity: | Electrical current is 110 volts, 50Hz. |
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Language: | English is the official language. |
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Health: | There are no mandatory requirements regarding vaccinations for visitors to Barbados, however a yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from travelers over one year of age coming from infected areas, and Hepatitis A vaccinations are recommended for those aged over two years. |
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Customs: | It is an offence to dress in camouflage clothing. |
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Safety: | There are no extremist groups or areas of instability in Barbados. Some drug-related organised crime exists, but does not generally affect tourists. There has been a small increase in the incidence of tourists being robbed, and visitors are warned to be especially vigilant on the beaches at night. There has been an increase in attacks and rapes against foreigners and visitors should be alert at all times. Tropical storms and hurricanes may occur between June and November. |
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Business: | Business hours are generally 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. |
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Communications: | The international access code for Barbados is +1, in common with the US, Canada and most of the Caribbean, followed by 246. The outgoing code is 011 followed by the relevant country code (e.g. 01144 for the United Kingdom), no outgoing code is needed to call the US. Mobile phones operate on a GSM network. Cell phones can be rented through Cellcom. Internet cafes are widely available. |
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Duty Free: | Travelers to Barbados do not have to pay duty on 200 cigarettes or 227g of other tobacco products; 750ml spirits and 750ml wine; perfume up to 118ml or 237ml of eau de cologne; and souvenirs to the value of Bd$100. Prohibited items include rum, matches, fresh fruit, and articles of clothing or accessories made from camouflage material. |