Time: | Local time is GMT – 4. |
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Electricity: | 220/240 volts AC, 50Hz. |
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Language: | The official language is English, but Creole French, the national language, is spoken by most of the population. |
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Health: | A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from travellers over one year of age coming from infected areas. Immunisation is recommended for Hepatitis A. Visitors are required to pay up front for treatment andĀ are strongly advised to take out full medical insurance. There are four main hospitals across the island and some private clinics. |
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Customs: | The Catholic Church is one of the most dominant social influences. Visitors should seek permission before taking photographs of local people. There are severe penalties for all drug offences. It is an offence for anyone, including children, to dress in camouflage clothing. |
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Safety: | The hurricane season in Dominica normally runs from June to November. Cases of robbery and other crimes do occur. |
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Business: | Business hours are usually 8am to 5 pm on Mondays and 8 am to 4 pm on Tuesdays to Fridays. |
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Communications: | The International Direct Dialling code for Dominica is + 1 767. Mobile connections are through TDMA network. Unregistered roaming is available – visitors with TDMA handsets can make calls without registering, provided they can give a credit card number. Handsets can be hired. Limited internet access is available in Roseau. |
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Duty Free: | Passengers travelling to Dominica aged 18 and above may carry 200 cigarettes, one box of cigars or equivalent of tobacco products; 2 litresĀ of alcoholic beverages; tools for professional use; two bottles of perfume for personal use. |