Accommodation in Guyana

Visitors to Guyana have a range of accommodation options to choose from. Accommodation in the capital, Georgetown, ranges from luxury 5-star hotels to budget priced guesthouses. Hotels and guesthouses can also be found in the country’s other large urban centres. Accommodation for the more adventurous travellers is available in the form of nature resorts, ranches and lodges, many of which are located in the densely forested inland regions. There are also numerous camp sites, popular with adventurous travellers, both in inland and coastal regions.

Accommodation organisations in Guyana
Arianzte Hotel
Cara Hotels
Emba Sea C ourtyard
Grand Coastal Inn
Guyana Heritage Museum
Guyana Heritage Society
Guyana National Museum
Hotel Tower
Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports
Ocean Veiw International Hotel
Regency Suites
The National Trust of Guyana
Toucan Guest House
Tourism & Hospitality Association of Guyana Ltd
Walter Roth Museum