Time: | Local time is GMT +2. |
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Electricity: | Electrical current is 220/240 volts, 50Hz. |
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Language: | English is the official language, but Chichewa is more commonly spoken. |
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Health: | A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required for travellers coming from an infected area. Immunisation against typhoid, hepatitis, tetanus, rabies and polio is recommended. HIV/AIDS is highly prevalent. It is advisable to drink bottled water, which is widely available, as drinking water may not be safe especially in the rural areas. Hospitals are available in the large towns, but medical facilities are basic, immediate cash payment for medical services are often required, and some medicines may be in short supply; medical insurance is strongly advised. |
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Tipping: | Service charges are not included in hotel and restaurant bills. |
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Customs: | It is courteous to ask permission before taking photographs of people. |
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Business: | Business hours usually start fairly early; from 7.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday. |
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Communications: | The international dialling code for Malawi is +265. The outgoing code is 101 followed by the relevant country code (e.g. 10127 for South Africa). There are no city/area codes required. The telephone system is not very reliable, but Internet, email and fax are available in most towns and tourist areas. The GSM 900 cell phone network gives coverage to most of the country and is compatible with most international operators. |
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Duty Free: | Travellers to Malawi do not have to pay customs duty on 200 cigarettes or 225g of tobacco. For travellers over 16 years 1 litre spirits, 1 litre beer and 1 litre wine can be brought into the country without incurring duty fees. |