Find Civil Society expertise in Malta

Up until the late 1990s, civil society activity and influence in Malta had been minimal in comparison to the country’s European counterparts. However, since then, with the coming EU accession and Malta’s increased social responsibility as a developed country this has changed. During Malta’s EU accession process, NGOs and civil society were directly involved in the negotiation process. Their input helped shape Malta’s negotiating positions. Over the years, Solidarity Overseas Services (SOS) Malta, one of a few international development NGOs that have originated from Malta, has been working in countries such as Albania, Kosovo, Uganda and Sri Lanka providing support services and opportunities that help to implement development and change in health and education and ensuring environmental sustainability. Domestically it has worked via its initiative, the Malta Resource Centre, based in Ta’ Xbiex, which provides resources that assist in the capacity building of Malta’s civil society and NGOs.

Many of Malta’s international NGOs are a part of SKOP (Solidarjeta u Koperazzjoni), which is key for developmental NGOs in the country.

There are two main trade unions in Malta: the largest being the General Workers’ Union which represents around a third of the workforce; and the Union of United Workers, also known as the Union Haddiema Maghqudin, which has more than 25,000 members.
