Time: | Local time is GMT +1. |
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Electricity: | Electrical current is 240 volts, 50Hz. |
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Language: | English and Maltese are the official languages. |
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Health: | A reciprocal health agreement exists between the United Kingdom and Malta and as a result British citizens receive emergency medical treatment on the same terms as Maltese nationals on presentation of a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Visitors should, however, take out adequate medical and travel insurance in case medical evacuation or further treatment is required. Travellers coming from a recognised infected area require a yellow fever vaccination certificate. |
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Tipping: | A gratuity of 15% is expected in hotels, and 10% in restaurants, if service charge is not included in the bill. Most services are tipped about 10% (including taxi drivers). |
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Business: | Business hours can vary but are usually 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Some businesses open for a half-day on Saturdays. |
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Communications: | The country code for Malta is +356, and the outgoing code is 00 followed by the relevant country code (e.g. 0044 for the United Kingdom).City/area codes are not required. Local and international telephone calls can be made from hotel rooms, and most hotels also offer fax and Internet access. Maltacom telecommunications offices also provide these services in the main towns, and coin and card operated telephone boxes can be found all over Malta and Gozo. The islands are covered by two comprehensive GSM 900 and 1800 mobile phone networks. Internet cafes are to be found in all the main towns and tourist resorts. |
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Duty Free: | Travellers arriving in Malta from non-EU countries do not need to pay customs duty on 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars, 100 cigarillos or 250g of tobacco; 1 litre wine and 1 litre spirits, or other goods up to Lm75. Any large items or electrical equipment should be declared on entry (video cameras and televisions for example), and currency must also be declared. Prohibited items include firearms, pornography, meat, poultry and their by-products, plants and drugs. |
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