Travel in Papua New Guinea

Time:Local time is GMT +10.
Electricity:Electrical current is 240 volts AC, 50Hz.
Language:The official language is English, which is widely used in business and government circles. Pidgin English and Hiri Motu are used commonly.
Health:A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from travellers over one year of age arriving within six days from infected areas. Immunisation against typhoid and Hepatitis is recommended. Travellers are advised to take out full health insurance prior to departure and must include evacuation facilities.
Tipping:Not customary and discouraged.
Business:Business hours are usually 8am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday.
Communications:The international dialling code is +675 and no area codes exist. Limited internet access is available and services tend to be slow and sometimes unreliable. The Mobile network provider is Pacific Mobile Communications and coverage is limited.
Duty Free:The following may be imported into Papua New Guinea by persons over 18 years of age without incurring customs duty: 260 cigarettes or 250g of cigars or tobacco; 1 litreĀ of alcoholic beverages; a reasonable quantity of perfume; new goods up to a value of Kina200 (Kina100 for persons under 18 years of age) excluding radios, tape recorders, television sets, video cameras, video tapes, record players and associated equipment.