Independent Schools in St Kitts and Nevis

Gross enrolment overall: 75.3% (2009)

Primary female–male ratio: 0.97:1 (2009)

Secondary female–male ratio: 1.03:1 (2009)

Primary pupil–teacher ratio: 20:1 (2009)

Secondary pupil–teacher ratio: 16:1 (2009)

There are 12 years of compulsory education starting at age five. Primary school comprises seven years and secondary five, with cycles of three and two years. Some 74% of pupils complete primary school (2009). The school year starts in September. The Caribbean Examinations Council, established in 1972 by an agreement among 15 English-speaking Commonwealth Caribbean countries and territories, provides examinations and certification at secondary and post-secondary levels. Qualifications offered by the Council include the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (in 33 subjects, for students at the end of the secondary education cycle); Caribbean Advanced Proficiency (for post-secondary students entering the world of work and for those candidates who wish to continue their further education at the tertiary level); Caribbean Vocational Qualification; and, since 2005, Associate Degrees.

Independent Schools organisations in St Kitts and Nevis
Saint Theresa's Medical University