Time: | GMT +2. |
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Electricity: | 220 volts, 50Hz. |
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Language: | The official language is English and is spoken by most Zambians. |
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Health: | Polio, typhoid, rabies and Hepatitis A vaccinations, and malaria prevention measures are recommended, and yellow fever inoculation is a requirement for entry for those coming from an infected area. The country also has one of the highest rates of HIV/Aids infection worldwide. Full travel insurance, including cover for medical evacuation by air, is essential. |
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Tipping: | A 10% service charge is included in bills, but tipping in hotels is against the law. |
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Communications: | The international dialling code for Zambia is +260. The outgoing code is 00 followed by the relevant country code (e.g. 00 27 for South Africa). City/area codes are in use, e.g. (0)1 for Lusaka and (0)3 for Livingstone. Operator assisted calls can be booked by dialling 090 or 093. Public telephones are widely available, most requiring tokens. Connections tend to be bad, particularly outside of Lusaka. There are GSM 900 cell phone networks in operation, but coverage is limited mainly to urban areas. There are several Internet cafes in Livingstone and Lusaka, and secretarial services in Lusaka offer full telephone, fax, telex and email facilities. Postal services are fairly reliable. |
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Duty Free: | Travellers to Zambia over 18 years do not have to pay duty on the following items: 200 cigarettes or 450 grams tobacco, and one opened bottle of alcohol. |