Time: | Australia is divided into three time zones. Eastern is GMT +10, Central is GMT +9.5, and Western is GMT +8. |
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Electricity: | Electrical current is 240/250 volts AC, 50Hz. |
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Language: | The official language is English. |
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Health: | No special immunisations or medications are required except a yellow fever vaccination certificate by travelers over one year of age arriving within six days of having stayed overnight or longer in an infected country. Australia has a reciprocal health agreement with the United Kingdom providing for free hospital emergency medical treatment; proof of UK residence is required. |
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Tipping: | Five to 15 per cent is usually expected. |
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Safety: | The crime rate in Australia is low, however precautions must be taken to avoid being targeted by petty criminals. There have been instances of spiked drinks and women in particular should be cautious in nightspots; many victims were also sexually assaulted. Tropical cyclones normally occur between November and April in some parts of Australia, usually in Western Australia, Queensland and Northern Territory. |
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Business: | Business hours are generally 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. |
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Communications: | The international access code for Australia is +61. The outgoing code is +11 followed by the relevant country code (e.g. +1144 for the United Kingdom). The area code for both Canberra and Sydney is (0)2. Local calls from public payphones are unlimited and cost a standard rate, while international and long distance calls are charged according to the time spent on the phone. Mobile phone operators use GSM and CDMA networks (area code (0)4); mobile phones are available for rent. Internet cafes are widely available. |
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Customs: | Generally an informal attitude, in dress and behavior, prevails in most social and business situations. Sport, particularly rugby and cricket, is almost a religion. |
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Duty Free: | Travelers to Australia over 18 years do not have to pay customs duty on 1.125 liters of alcohol; 250 cigarettes or 250g cigars or other tobacco products. Gifts are included in the AU$400 duty-free allowance. Fresh produce and animal/plant products are prohibited. |