Time: | Local time is GMT +8. |
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Electricity: | Electrical current is 220 volts, 50Hz. |
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Language: | Bahasa Melayu is the national language, but English is widely spoken and is the language of business. Other languages spoken among the ethnic communities include Cantonese, Hokkien, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi. |
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Health: | The hospitals in Kuala Lumpur and other cities are of a high standard. Medical insurance is recommended. Travellers older than one year coming from infected areas require a yellow fever vaccination certificate. |
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Tipping: | Some hotels and restaurants add a 10% service charge to their bills and further gratuity is unnecessary. All hotel rooms are subject to a 5% government tax, though many cheaper hotels quote a price inclusive of this tax. |
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Customs: | Malaysia is largely Muslim and therefore Islamic customs should be respected. It is customary to remove shoes before entering homes and places of worship. Arms and legs should be covered when visiting places of worship. |
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Business: | Business hours are usually from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm Saturdays. Some businesses follow an Islamic week and are therefore open Sundays to Thursdays. |
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Communications: | The international access code for Malaysia is +60. The outgoing code is 00 followed by the relevant country code (e.g. 001 for the United States). City/area codes are in use, e.g. (0)3 for Kuala Lumpur. International Direct Dial is available throughout the country, but the service can be erratic. Hotels can add a hefty surcharge to their telephone bills; it is best to check before making long international calls. Coin and card-operated public phones are widespread, and phone cards can be purchased at the airport, petrol stations and newsagents. Cards are not transferable between phone companies: Uniphone and Telecom phone boxes are the most common. Mobile networks cover most of the country; the local mobile phone operators use GSM networks, which are compatible with most international phones. Internet cafes are widely available in tourist areas. |
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Duty Free: | Travellers to Malaysia do not have to pay customs duty on 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 225g tobacco; 1 litre wine, spirits or malt liquor; 100 matches; cosmetic products to the value of RM200; up to three new items of clothing and one pair of footwear; one portable electrical or battery-operated appliance for personal hygiene; food preparations to the value of RM75; souvenirs and gifts to the value of RM200 (with the exception of goods from Langkawi and Labuan, to the value of RM500). Prohibited items include goods from South Africa and Israel, counterfeit money, and illegal drugs. |