Travel in Tuvalu

Time:Local time is GMT +12.
Electricity:Electrical current is 220/240 volts AC, 60Hz (Funafuti only).
Language:Tuvaluan and English are the main languages.
Health:Full medical insurance before departure is recommended. Vaccinations against tuberculosis and hepatitis B are advised.
Business:Business hours are 7:30am to 4:15pm Monday to Thursdays and 7:30 am to 12:30 pm on Fridays.
Communications:The international access code is +688 and no area codes exist. International phone calls can be made from most of the islands and internet is available.
Duty Free:Customs duty is not levied on 200 cigarettes or 225 grams of tobacco or cigars, and for persons over 18 years also includes 1 litre of spirits and 1 litre of wine. Binoculars, cameras, films, electronic goods and sports equipment need to be declared on arrival.