Find Agriculture expertise in Antigua and Barbuda


Agriculture along with forestry and fisheries accounts for a small proportion of the economy of Antigua and Barbuda, with a 3% share of GDP in 2012. Agricultural land constitutes a significant 29.5% of total land area (2009). With 2.8% of the total workforce employed in the sector (2008), the focus of the agricultural industry is largely on subsistence farming or small scale commercial farming catering for the domestic market, resulting in a private sector of limited size. As a result, the country relies on importation for most of its foodstuffs. Agricultural exports include cotton, largely sent to Japan, and fruit and vegetables sent to other Caribbean territories. Hot peppers and vegetables are exported to the United Kingdom and Canada. The primary fruit and vegetable exports are bananas, coconuts, cucumbers, mangoes, sugarcane and pineapples, alongside an active trade in livestock. This sees the production of cattle, pig, chicken and goat meat. Additionally, cow’s milk is the second most lucrative product, after fresh fruit, generating around US$1.8m in 2010. The primary government ministry responsible for the sector is the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing & the Environment.

Agriculture organisations in Antigua and Barbuda
GARD Center