Government Ministries

In New Zealand Ministers collectively direct the executive arm of the Government. All Ministers are members of the Executive Council of which some are selected by the prime minister to form the Cabinet. The appointment of ministers is the job of the governor-general, who does so on the advice of the prime minister. Ministers decide both the direction and the priorities for government departments, such as the Ministry of Defence or Ministry of Education, but are not involved in the day to day operations of such departments. Each ministry or department is headed by a chief executive who is the main point of contact between a minister and his or her department. Ministers may also be appointed to more than one portfolio, ministry or department.

Government Ministries organisations in New Zealand
Commonwealth Secretariat
Department of Building and Housing
Department of Conservation
Department of Corrections
Department of Internal Affairs
Department of Labour
Land Information New Zealand
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage
Ministry of Consumer Affairs
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Economic Development
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Maori Development (Te Puni K?kiri)
Ministry of Research, Science and Technology
Ministry of Social Development
Ministry of the Environment
Ministry of Tourism
Ministry of Women's Affairs
Ministry of Youth Development
Office of Ethnic Affairs
The Treasury