Find Human Resources expertise in St Kitts and Nevis

St Kitts and Nevis has a 97.8% literacy rate (2006) and English is the official language. The most recent survey by the International Labour Organisation found that the country has a 74.9% labour force participation rate. 24.8% of the labour force are employed in community, social and personal services. This is followed by 19.7% employment in retail, restaurants and hotels. In comparison, the smallest industry is that of agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing, which employs only 0.2% of the labour force. St Kitts and Nevis has numerous employment agencies such as OMNI Job Boards, and there are many training centres providing skills to enhance employment prospects. For example the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College offers courses in skills such as typing, plumbing, carpentry and motor mechanics. Work permits for non-residents can be obtained from the Ministry of Foreign affairs, National Security, Labour, Immigration and Social Security.
