- Welcome to Dominica
- In the Commonwealth
- Facts and Figures
- Dominica has been a member of the Commonwealth since 1978
- Dominica became an independent country on the 3rd of November 1978
- Dominica has been competing in the Commonwealth Games since 1958
- Dominica was the first state in the Americas to have a female prime minister. Dame Eugenia Charles served from 1980 to 1995
- At his appointment in 2004 the current prime minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, was the youngest head of government in the world, aged 31. He is the youngest head of government in the Commonwealth
- Dominica is the only country in the Commonwealth to have recorded an overall decrease in population since 1990
- Dominica’s inflation rate is one of the lowest in the Commonwealth – the lowest among CARICOM member countries (2003-07)
- The country has experienced a rapid increase in mobile phone use: subscriptions increased 85% annually during 2003-07
Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit
Prime Minister of Dominica
The introduction of the ‘Commonwealth of Nations’ website is a development to be welcomed. It will expose readers to the rich social and political diversity that resides in the Commonwealth.
I welcome this opportunity to showcase the island of the Commonwealth of Dominica, an absolute gem in the Eastern Caribbean, located between the two French Departments of Guadeloupe and Martinique.
Though only 29 square miles long and 16 square miles wide, this un-spoilt beauty is blessed with mountains approaching 5000 ft, pristine rainforests, 365 rivers, numerous waterfalls and lakes and is now widely recognized as one of the top eco-tourism destinations in the world.
Globalisation and trade liberalisation have forced us to radically alter our development path. With the decline in the fortunes of the banana industry which sustained our economy for nearly 50 years, we are seeking to build a new economy, with eco-tourism, agro-tourism, information technology and offshore financial services as core elements of Government’s diversification programme.
In an increasingly interdependent world, multilateral institutions like the Commonwealth serve as an important forum for developed and developing countries to exchange views and develop collective approaches to complex global problems.
It is my fervent desire that you will choose to visit Dominica, not just to revel in our island’s majestic beauty and breathtaking scenery, but also to explore the possibility of Dominica as a location to invest. Our greatest asset is our resilient people who are willing, able and ready to be trained for new jobs.
Visitors to our shores have all commented on the unique scenery of our island. I promise you a visit to Dominica, the ‘Nature Island of the Caribbean’, would leave you with memories to last a lifetime.
Dominica in the Commonwealth
did you know?
Commonwealth Projects
Institutional Strengthening and capacity building in the Dominica Water and Sewerage Company (2007/08)
This was a Commonwealth Secretariat commissioned project that sought to strengthen national capacity in water resources management at the Dominica Water and Sewerage Company Ltd. Two young graduate engineers were trained in engineering activities towards achieving optimum efficiency and effectiveness in the design and operation of the national water resource supply and treatment systems.
The Development of a National Export Strategy for the Commonwealth of Dominica (2007/08)
This Commonwealth funded project was undertaken jointly with the International Trade Centre under the ComSec-ITC collaboration framework. Its purpose was to help the Government of Dominica develop a national export strategy that would be responsive to the requirements of regional and global markets.
Building and Strengthening Institutional Capacity, Faculty of Applied Arts and Technology (2005/06)
A technical expert, provided for by the Commonwealth Secretariat, was based at the Dominica State College in order to assist the Faculty of Applied Arts and Technology to develop vocational training programmes. The current programmes on offer were reviewed and assessed in relation to the employment needs of Dominica and the skills training requirements of school-leavers and young adults. This process would have promoted the relevance of courses to both skills development and economic development needs. The project was terminated by the Government of Dominica before completion.
Director General, Ministry of Finance and Planning (2003/04)
An expert, funded by the Commonwealth, was provided for one year in the position of director general to advise the prime minister and minister for finance and economic planning on matters of economic and financial policy. Under the general direction of the prime minister and minister of finance and economic planning, the expert was responsible for the operations of the ministry. More specifically the expert assisted in establishing the forward development strategy, planning and implementation and provided analysis and advice on financing and investment proposals and on regional and international economic and financial issues.
Gender Specialist, Dominica National Council of Women (2001/02)
The expert, who was provided for by the Commonwealth Secretariat, assisted the Dominica National Council of Women to build capacity and strengthen its institutional base for effective planning and programmeming with women in Dominica.
Total area: 750 sq. km
Population in thousands (2010): 68
Population density (2010): 91 per sq. km
Proportion of population under 18 (2010): 32.4%
Proportion of population over 60 (2010): 13.7%
Proportion of population living in urban areas (2010): 67%
GNI in thousands (2010): US$458,226
GNI per capita (2010): US$6,760
GDP average annual growth (2006-10): 3.2%
Inflation, average annual (2006-10): 3.1%
Proportion of pupils completing primary school (2009): 88.1%
Net enrolment rate (2009): 94.1%
Adult literacy rate: 88.0%
Gross enrolment ratio all levels (2007-10): 3.6%
Primary pupil-teacher ratio (2007-10): 16
Public spending on health per capita (2009): US$361
Public spending on health as a proportion of total public expenditure (2009): 4%
Medical doctors per 100,000 people (latest data): 50
Nurses and midwives per 100,000 people (latest data): 417
CO2 emissions per capita (2008): 1.9 tonnes
Overall change in annual CO2 emissions (1990-2008): 116.9%
Forest area as a proportion total land area: 60%
Overall deforestation since 1990 (2008): -10.0%
Landline telephones per 1,000 people (2010): 228
Cumulative growth/decline in landline telephones (2005-10): -18.5%
Mobile subscribers per 1,000 people (2010): 1,552
Overall growth in mobile subscribers (2005-10): 103.1%
Internet users per 1,000 (2010): 474.5
in the Commonwealth Yearbook
The flagship publication of the Commonwealth Secretariat and the essential reference on the modern Commonwealth for
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