Find Civil Society expertise in Nigeria
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) are notably involved in the areas of economic empowerment, anti-corruption and constitutional reform. Examples include the Citizen’s Forum for Constitutional Reform (CFCR), a coalition of NGOs working to review the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria. The CFCR maintains that the constitution is essentially flawed and does not guarantee sustainable democracy and development.
Many NGOs are also working to develop and implement strategies that will help Nigeria achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Girl Child Empowerment Nigeria (GCEN) is one such NGO helping Nigeria attain its education MDGs. It promotes children’s rights to education by focusing on inclusion of girls, working children and disabled children into education.
Organisations seeking recognition as NGOs can apply to the leading national NGO network and umbrella body, the Nigeria Network of NGOs (NNNGO), or the statutory body, the Corporate Affairs Commission. Members of NNNGO must subscribe to the NNNGO Code of Conduct for NGOs. For funding and tax purposes, NGOs that register with the Corporate Affairs Commission qualify for exemption under Article 19 of the Companies Income Tax Act of Nigeria.
The Nigeria Labour Congress, the main trade union organisation, spans the public and private sectors and excludes military and paramilitary memberships. The Nigeria Labour Congress has a membership totalling four million.