Find Civil Society expertise in Kenya
Kenya has thousands of NGOs involved in all sectors of its developmental process: including education, health, the environment, and gender empowerment. Estimates indicate some 240 NGOs are now formed each year (2007). Specifically, civil society plays a key role in Kenya’s poverty alleviation. Significant steps have been taken to involve civil society in the country’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) processes via the co-ordination efforts of the NGO Council.
Candidate NGOs seeking official recognition from the government should register with the Registrar of Societies (under Part III of the Non-Governmental Organisations Co-ordination Act, 1990). The World Bank has injected over a billion dollars to help fund programmes in improving infrastructure, agriculture, energy, water, education and health. The UK is one of the biggest donors for such developmental assistance.
Kenya’s central Organisation of Trade Unions represents one million workers and is associated with around 40 trade unions. It partners with the government to provide the best fair employment and labour policies.